Re-Pill is an analog clock with dispensers to help medication schedules

Re-Pill is an analog clock with dispensers to help medication schedules

For those that take a lot of pills and medicine every day for maintenance of various diseases and conditions, having a system that will remind you to take them regularly is important. Some use apps, others are more analog with their planners and calendars, while some may need the help of other people to remind them. But those that may have some brain-related injuries like TBI or Traumatic Brain Injury may need other systems and tools especially during their recovery stage.

Designer: Rahul Ashok Barve

This device called Re-Pill is created specifically for those that have TBI and may be suffering from cognitive issues like memory loss, attention deficit, and other problems connected to their disorder. Basically it’s an analog clock and a pill dispenser so that the user and/or the caretaker will be reminded to take their medication throughout the day. The pill containers are placed during the time they’re supposed to be taken so that it’s easy to remember and to take them out.

The clock can also be rotated when they take the pills so it will be easier to get them out. Even the containers are easy to use with the lid using a snap fit mechanism. There will be 12 containers within the analog clock so the pills can be placed at the corresponding time they should be taken. The caretaker or companion of the patient can refill the containers if there are different times and medications needed all throughout the day.

Design-wise, the analog clock is pretty basic but the pill containers surrounding it makes it unique looking. The orange color also makes it stand out while the transparent containers will also show off the different colors of the pills, which can sometimes help the patient distinguish the various medication that they’re taking. It’s a useful tool to help those that may have trouble remembering things and even digital tools like phones and apps cannot help them out.

The post Re-Pill is an analog clock with dispensers to help medication schedules first appeared on Yanko Design.

Categories : Information

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