The fact that a sofa’s design could be inspired by corrugated paper shows that inspiration can be found anywhere

The fact that a sofa’s design could be inspired by corrugated paper shows that inspiration can be found anywhere

Corrugated Sofa by Johan Kim

There’s a sense of familiarity when you look at the Corrugated Sofa’s design and its familiar brown color. You’re instantly reminded of corrugated paper, and while the sofa isn’t really made out of paper, it’s easy to draw the parallels instantly by looking at it.

The work of Johan Kim, the Corrugated Sofa actually started off as a tiny model made from a sheet of corrugated paper, which he then decided to translate into scale. The final sofa, conversely, is clad in brown tanned leather, with a foam interior to give it its bulbous volume.

Corrugated Sofa by Johan Kim

Corrugated Sofa by Johan Kim

Corrugated Sofa by Johan Kim

Corrugated Sofa by Johan Kim

The sofa’s design makes it an ideal accent piece for any room, and can be used individually or paired along with another Corrugated Sofa. It seats one, and comes with a wide backrest that travels all the way to the sides, turning into armrests. The pleated design gives it its brown corrugated paper-like appearance, and the pleats carry all the way to the back, giving the chair an interesting visual detail.

You can scroll down to the bottom of the article to see Johan’s corrugated paper experiments.

Designer: Johan Kim

Corrugated Sofa by Johan Kim

Corrugated Sofa by Johan Kim

Corrugated Sofa by Johan Kim

Corrugated Sofa by Johan Kim

Categories : Information

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